Signs in the sky reveal the Signmaker!
Monday’s eclipse was only 75% in the SF Bay Area where my family and I are based. I personally did not bother looking at it for the sake of my vision. But the eclipse did get me thinking about signs… While all eyes are on heaven because of this solar eclipse, most significantly, it is a reminder of God’s calendar... and God’s timing. It is notable that the eclipse points to the Hebrew month of Elul (beginning 8/21/2017). It provides a great chance for the nations of the world to take a look at the biblical calendar and be reminded of God’s timing. The first night of Elul marks the commencement of the 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). At the 30th day of this timeline is Rosh Hashanah with is the Jewish New year. It will be 5778 this year as we close our 5777. Over these 40 days, we blow the trumpet [shofar] once each day to exemplify the announcing of the return of Yeshua the Messiah. The shofar reminds us of the necessary act of repentance to the Lord to receive eternal salvation. The significance of these 40 days is taught in Leviticus 23, which outlines the appointed feasts of the Lord. These feasts are fulfilled by Yeshua, and they convey the message of God’s eternal covenant with the Jewish people and the land of Israel.
So, which feasts has Yeshua fulfilled? Which are still be fulfilled?
- Yeshua was crucified on Passover, fulfilling this appointed time as the ultimate sacrificial lamb to take away the sin of the world and provide us with a way to be in relationship with God the Father
- He died blameless and sinless, so fulfilling the appointed time of Unleavened Bread
- Three days after he died, he rose again fulfilling the FirstFruits
- Fifty days later, at Shavuot [Pentecost] there was an outpouring of the spirit on the followers of Yeshua - which birthed the Church [kehilat] into existence
According to God’s timeline, the next feast to be fulfilled by Yeshua is The Festival of Trumpets. As you can see, In terms of history the first 4 feasts have been fulfilled by Yeshua and his next fulfillment is to take place in the season were are currently in! Let me be clear, I am not saying Yeshua is returning in the next 40 days or even in the next 40 years. Yeshua himself said...
" one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows...” - Mark 13:32
The best thing to do is take scriptural advice and “work while it is day." Proclaim the reality of Yeshua’s love to all... and look up, for redemption is coming soon!By Myles and Jonathan Weiss