Shana Tova!

September 2021/Tishri 5781

Shalom Haverim v’ Mishpocha, (Greetings friends and family)

Shana Tova! Happy New Year and thank God for the “Days of Awe”!

Remember the prophetic meaning of the Fall Feasts [Leviticus 23] – God will appear at the sound of the Shofar [Yom Teruah / Rosh Hashanah]. He will judge the earth at the Day of Atonement [Yom Kippur], and dwell with us at Sukkot [Tabernacles]. Please do not let the news cycle frighten you… God will have His way! Of course, it will be a bumpy ride on the way … [Matthew 24]

This will be a brief update as I am going into surgery this week for a knee replacement. Please pray for surgical accuracy and a quick recovery. Todah Rabah!


In spite of the depressing news out of the Middle East, we are believing God for continued revival in the Muslim world. We have many faith-filled heroes that are staying and reaching for Afghanistan and the surrounding nations. Please pray for those who need to leave that they would not be hindered by the Taliban or the US State Department.

If you would like to know the backstory to the “withdrawal debacle” check out Caroline Glick’s article here. This article will help you understand the depth and length of the unholy alliance of radical leftist Americans and Jihadists. Caroline is an American who made Aliyah and served in the IDF and rose to the rank of Captain. She is an astute observer and commentator of all things Mid East.

5782 Prophetic Word

Remember to check out our podcast - “To Life! / The Hope Behind the Headlines”. My latest interview was with Pastor Troy Brewer. His ministry rescues children out of sex trafficking around the world and he has a unique prophetic understanding of the relationship between Hebrew numbers, letters, and scripture.

Click here to hear this important interview about the important connection between 2022 and 5782.

Blessings on you and your house.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and partnership,

Myles and Katharine


The Changing of the Guard


September 2021 / Elul 5781