September 2021 / Elul 5781

September 2021/Elul 5781

Shalom Haverim v’ Mishpocha, (Greeting friends and family)


The world is watching Afghanistan get overrun by Jihadists. The political class in the USA is awash in blame-shifting, mixed priorities, and ineptitude. Could it actually represent a conscious slide into totalitarianism?

Dr. Bach, a retired US Marine sniper, joined me again on the “To Life/The Hope Behind the Headlines” Podcast. He works extensively in Afghanistan. Eugene explained the difference between the heroes “on the ground” and those who rise in the military leadership in D.C.Many choose the cocktail partying, lobbying, “wokeness” and political repressiveness (I refuse to call it ‘progressive’) that is de rigueur inside the beltway. It is a very sobering but enlightening podcast. As always, the podcast will help you look up… to see your ‘hope BEHIND the headlines’. You can access it here.

On a more hopeful note, American pilots are clearing out the stores in the USA (at their own expense and with the help of “Go Fund Me” campaigns!) to bring toys, clothes, candy, diapers, water, stuffed animals, and other comforts to the Afghanis and Americans that they are trying to rescue.

With your help, House of Peace will be making a generous donation to this effort.

This picture shows desperate people leaving Afghanistan through the mercy, competence, and goodwill of USA military personnel.


Here on the Left Coast, there is much excitement about the Gavin Newsom recall. What would this truly golden state be like if we had a fiscally conservative, brilliant fact-led communicator and problem solver in Sacramento? Someone like… I don’t know… maybe… Larry Elder? In a demented twist of logic, he is being vilified by the Left as the “black face of white supremacy” ( We shall see if prayer and election oversight can deliver an honest accounting of our votes for the sake of this once great state. Stay tuned…


We have had a whirlwind summer with meetings in the Middle East, Texas, Ohio/Kentucky, and of course our beloved California. What a treat to have Pastor Steven Khoury from Bethlehem, Israel speak at Beit Abba last month. Please click here to listen to his inspiring and encouraging word about prophetic signs that we are living in the end times right now. The Khoury family (Arab Christian Israelis) carry the love of Yeshua to Jews, Arabs, Persians, and the nations. It was a blessing to host him in California.

We have prayed over your many inquiries about our life-changing Biblical Study tours of Israel. The Ministry of Tourism and the government of Israel are currently implementing policies that will severely curtail the important work of visiting God’s Land.

Please email or text these Israeli leaders with your concerns:

Yoel Razbosov, Minister of Tourism

WhatsApp +972526600203


Prime Minister Naftali Bennet

WhatsApp: +972556662654


Foreign Minister Yair Lapid

WhatsApp +972549909901


We are looking towards the Fall Feasts and the thinning spiritual veil that is apparent during this season. It is a time for Teshuvah (return and repentance) and intimacy with the King of Kings.

Thank you for your continued kindness and generosity as we support ministries in Israel and around the world. Even as we experience the ‘birth pangs’ leading to the return of the Messiah, we are confident in His plan, His Word, and His ultimate victory!

With love and gratitude,

Myles and Katharine


Shana Tova!


August 2021 / Av 5781