Handmaiden of the Lord Withstands Moslem Threats and Intimidation

Our new friend, Jane Kiel from Denmark, has been living here and interceding for Israel, despite Moslem threats and intimidation.Living by faith, she has spent hours praying on the Temple Mount - a shining example of the rights of "people of the book" -  Jews and Christians, to worship the one true God on that controversial real estate.

Bold in the Face of Threats

We interviewed her regarding her boldness in the face of Islamic threats. She sang the "shema" on the Mount. The Waqf (Islamic police/guardians of the mosque) confronted her, and she respectfully ceased for a while... and now is back lifting up the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob when and where she is led. As a bonus following Katharine's interview with her, Jane had a very timely personal word of encouragement for my dear wife, the Bride of Weiss! PTL!


Reality vs. Media Hype


Great Interview with Jonathan Feldstein of 'Heart to Heart'