Great Interview with Jonathan Feldstein of 'Heart to Heart'

Jonathan Feldstein of 'Heart to Heart' gave us a stirring interview. An orthodox Jewish family man, he helps Christians donate blood to the ambulance and EMT service, Magen David Adom. What a picture of the people of the book cooperating to save the lives of those in need. He reminded us that the blood goes to victims of terror, accidents...AND TERRORISTS when the triage calls for it. Jewish morality compels the ambulance servants to save the lives of "whosoever" which has led to some ironic events: as rockets rained on Israel, the family members of terror leaders were getting medical treatment from Israeli MDs! We need to TELL THE TRUE STORY of events here. Jonathan has an awesome photo of Israelis lining up to donate blood for the USA on September 12, 2001... he counts it as a fulfillment of Genesis 12:3 - that through the seed of Abraham all the families of the earth will be blessed. It IS a partial fulfillment, along with the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, Patriarchs, countless medical and scientific breakthroughs....and Messiah!
ZLM has paid for ambulances through our benevolence funds...another way we work together!

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