We Love Muslims!
Moreover, God loves Muslims!John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."That’s why we stand for Yeshua, why we stand with Israel, and we sing HaTikvah [The Hope, Israel’s anthem]. Israel gave us the Bible, the prophets, the patriarchs, the wisdom books, and Messiah!What would the Middle East and the world be like if Heaven’s love touched the hearts of Muslims?Could Muslims join the numerous Christians who have become Israel's friends?Christianity is undergoing a restoration to the Hebraic roots of her faith. This is the most significant move of God since the Reformation because it includes repentance from centuries of Anti-Semitism. As the international church awakens, prayer for Muslims is on the rise. God is visiting Muslims in dreams and visions, through contact with Bible believers and through media and missions.
Can God Change a radical Muslim’s heart?
Is it possible for adherents of jihadi Islam to turn from hatred to love? Love for Jesus? Love for the Jews? Support for Israel? Click below to watch a heart-melting story of an Iranian executioner who was apprehended by that love...Let's pray for our Muslim friends! God knows there are other Islamic leaders who will be transformed and spread love throughout the world.This is a major reason God has placed us with the Chinese Back To Jerusalem movement. These brave souls are evangelizing the Muslim world. One of their latest projects is a 9-part video Bible teaching series.To my surprise, our teaching appears in the first and the last videos!The first one features the role of Jerusalem and Israel in world revival.As we see the nations aligning for the return of the Messiah... let's pray for revival and restoration in Israel, the Middle East, and the nations of the world.If God loves Muslims, we can love Muslims!The greatest way to do that is by lifting up the name of Jesus.