The Way, the Truth, and the Life!

Myles-Solo-3-197x300Oh, how this rattles our pseudo-democratic sensibilities: the very nerve of God, to think He is sovereign and has the right to choose as He will and govern according to His majesty! A “downside” of our Western egalitarian paradigm is that we are loath to accept the choice of the King—the Creator of the universe, who has the final word about humanity and our destiny.What is the final Word? His name is Yeshua—not Moses, Elijah, Mohammed, or Caitlyn. And that rankles our alleged liberality.

A Teachable Moment

I had a “teachable moment” the other day with someone I care about very much. We have prayed with her in the past to receive Yeshua, but in the “whack-a-mole” style of American faith life, when her crisis passed she returned to her syncretic New Age lifestyle of “whatever” spirituality (nothing new under the sun!), which is so prevalent today.“Whack-a-mole?” Yes, that carnival game in which one tries to hit the small ersatz rodents and accrue points for their submission. That is how I characterize some of our evangelistic efforts: some folks receive the Lord, and then we Believers spend great efforts trying to encourage them to stay with the plan of salvation—to remain “whacked” by the love of God and repent from retreating to a safer, more familiar environment, which resembles…a tomb.We beg them to come to a living fellowship to meet some disciples, study the Word, and change their “playmates, playthings, and playgrounds.” Certain that they know better, they ignore counsel and attempt to add Jesus to their current life. Disaster follows. Isn’t it an issue of sovereignty? We need to let God be God and let Yeshua be Who He is in our lives—the once and future King, Bridegroom of Heaven, first and last, Alef and Tav, Alpha and Omega, Prince of Peace, Bread of Life, Wonderful, Counselor…I am very grateful for the ZLM community that appreciates…no, demands… that we at the ministry preach and teach “ha Derech, ha Emet v’ ha Chaim” (the Way, the Truth, and the Life)—Yeshua! Katharine and I recently spent an hour via a television broadcast into Iran helping new Believers, recently delivered from Islam, to understand their destiny as followers of the one true God and His Messiah, Isah Masih (Farsi for Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach).I believe Zola Levitt Ministries is entering a new day. God is using our Internet offerings, television broadcasts, and ministerial publications to induce invitations for us to take the gospel of Yeshua to Iran, the underground Church in China, and, soon, to India. Please stand with us!


Supreme Being, Higher Court


Healing the Family Feud