Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! [Psalm 122:6]

As the conflict in the Middle East unfolds, let’s pray for ALL concerned, that they would encounter the God of Abraham through Messiah Yeshua. We know that He is Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace, according to our own prophet. [Isaiah 9:5,9:6]He holds the keys to world peace. He is the key to world peace. As we look toward his return, we will see increasing conflagration on the world stage, just as Yeshua said,“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must happen but it is not yet the end.” [Matthew 24:6]

The Persian Crescent

The Iranian “Persian Crescent” that is expanding throughout the area is an integral part of the Shi’ite eschatology.As Robert Spencer [Jihad Watch] wrote, in 2013 [!]:Among the many who decried the Obama Administration’s catastrophic capitulation to the nuclear ambitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran, none spelled out its potential consequences as trenchantly as Israel’s Economy Minister Naftali Bennett: “We awoke this morning to a new reality,” he said Sunday. “A reality in which a bad deal was signed with Iran. A very bad deal. If a nuclear suitcase blows up five years from now in New York or Madrid, it will be because of the deal that was signed this morning. "If that happens, it will also be because of the Shi’ite belief in the return of the Twelfth Imam… The Imam, in the company of Jesus (re-imagined, as in Sunni Islam, as a Muslim prophet), would finally end the horrific persecution of the true believers, taking up arms against their enemies and conquering and Islamizing the world. This eschatological revenge fantasy would be of no concern to anyone but pious Shi’ites and religious anthropologists were it not for the element of Shi’ite tradition that requires that the earth be “filled with tyranny and violence” before the Twelfth Imam can return. There is no requirement that non-Muslims must be responsible for that violence; Shi’ites filled with religious fervor, like the Ayatollah Khamenei and the mullahs behind him, could hasten the Twelfth Imam’s return and the consummation of all things by, say, launching a nuclear strike against Tel Aviv or some other Infidel outpost, knowing that by doing so they would almost certainly be provoking a retaliatory strike that would subject the Muslims in Iran to more defeat and repression than even the Shi’ites had previously suffered. That would be enough to bring the Twelfth Imam out of the well where he is said to be hiding.President Trump’s bold stance against the pathetic nuclear “non-deal” has certainly unearthed the true face of radical Islam. We see the jihadi-labeled “little satan”, Israel and the “great satan”, America, facing down a cabal of self-righteous dhimmi state leaders in Europe, the UN as well as radical Islam.God will have His way in Iran… but it will be costly! Take some time to read this Jeremiah 49 passage, understanding that Elam is ancient Persia, now called Iran:

35 Thus says Adonai-Tzva’ot:

“Behold, I will break Elam’s bow—the source of their might.36 I will bring upon Elam the four windsfrom the four quarters of heaven,and will scatter them to all those winds.There will be no nationwhere the dispersed of Elam will not go.37 I will shatter Elam before their enemiesand before those seeking their soul.I will bring calamity on them—My burning anger!”It is a declaration of Adonai,“I will send the sword after themuntil I have consumed them.38 Then I will put My throne in Elamand destroy from it king and princes.”It is a declaration of Adonai.39 “Yet it will be in the end of days,that I will restore Elam from exile.”It is a declaration of Adonai.

This very prophecy reveals the God of “Both/And” – while judgment will come upon Iran, Persian believers in Yeshua are looking for the Gospel to continue to increase in their country. Back in our Zola days, I insisted that we interview Evangelist Dr. Hormoz Shariat. Dr. Shariat’s assessment was prescient and is relevant today. He graciously hosted us on his program, so we could explain the Jewishness of Jesus to his Teheran audience of new believers and seekers. On that program, God used the story of Esther in Persia to call them into their destiny! iran alive set with Dr. Hormoz Shariat, Myles and Katharine

 US embassy street signs in English, Hebrew, ArabicAs we prepare for the US Embassy move, let’s pray for stability and that other nations will follow the USA and move their embassies to Jerusalem, the ancient capital of Israel!

This Week's Torah Portion

This week’s Torah portion unveils the seasons of God, His use of the number 7 to “calendarize” our celebrations with Him. Forgive my math gaffe, I meant to say 7 TIMES 7 years plus 1 is the Jubilee!Shalom I leave you, My shalom I give to you; but not as the world gives! Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid. [John 14:27]Once again we see the bible is the most reliable source for understanding current events!

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Blessings on your house – keep looking up – your redemption is drawing near!


A Tree of Life


Light Shines in Darkness