Passover is coming!
March 2021 / Adar/Nisan 5781Special note to SF Bay Area, “Shalomies”, TFH and visitors: WE WILL NOT BE MEETING AS BEIT ABBA ON THE 3rd FRIDAY OF THIS MONTH AS IS OUR CUSTOM. INSTEAD, WE INVITE YOU TO A FULL PASSOVER SEDER WITH A GOURMET CATERED MEAL ON FRIDAY, MARCH 26. THIS REQUIRES REGISTRATION. Contact us for details or to register!Exodus 12: 1-3Now the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, “This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you. Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, ‘On the tenth of this month they are each one to take a lamb for themselves, according to their fathers’ households, a lamb for each household.The Blood of the Lamb saved our Jewish people in EgyptThe Blood of the Lamb of God saves “whosoever” believes todayWe have seen the deliverance of the Jewish people during Esther’s day and now we are preparing to celebrate Passover, when all of humanity is invited to deliverance by the Jewish Messiah and Savior of the world, Yeshua Ha Mashiach.Should Christians Celebrate Passover?Jesus did, and it has a long Biblical history:Genesis 12 Deliverance from EgyptJoshua 4,5 First Passover in promised Land2 Chronicles King Hezekiah revives Passover2 Chronicles 35:18 Josiah re-revives PassoverEzra 6:21 A joyous Passover for returning exilesJohn 1:29 Hinei Ha Seh [Behold the Lamb!] Jesus IS the PassoverLuke 22, John 2:23 Yeshua keeps PassoverPassover may be the initiating event of “Spring cleaning”, as the Jewish people ceremoniously cleanse their homes of all leaven (a Biblical picture of sin: think, puffed up full of self, prideful).In the old country, NYC, we would give away all the cakes, cookies, breads and products with leaven to our Gentile neighbors and friends. Then the house would be “swept” to remove all the leaven from the corners of the rooms. My grandparents would take a feather and a wooden spoon and pick up the leaven. They would then burn the spoon with the leaven crumbs in the backyard of our tiny suburban home.I don’t know if they realized the picture they were prophetically participating in:The Feather = the Holy Spirit (often pictured as a dove)The Wooden Spoon = the Cross of Yeshua (nailed to a tree for you and me)The Burning = the full sacrifice of Messiah, given for you and meRav Shaul (the apostle Paul) connects the Passover with the believer’s walk of faith in 1 Corinthians 5:Get rid of the old hametz [leaven], so you may be a new batch, just as you are unleavened—for Messiah, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed. 8 Therefore let us celebrate the feast not with old hametz, the hametz of malice and wickedness, but with unleavened bread—the matzah of sincerity and truth.
This month we will be sending a special offering to Reach Initiative International (RII), led by our dear friends Stewart and Chantal. RII is a ministry that blesses Holocaust survivors all year, but especially now with “Purim / Passover packs” of goodies and the necessary food to host their friends for the holidays.
Don't miss this week's podcast interview with Rosemary Schindler. At times emotional, at times deeply prophetic, this episode will inspire you to look towards God's perfect timing and glorious return through a new lens as she outlines many of the prophecies in the Bible that we are coming to see pass during this "spectacular era" and she releases hope for America.Find Episode 13 of “To Life!” podcast on your favorite podcasting app to hear “The Hope Behind the Headlines" or see the comments below for the direct link, no app needed.Please share with all who are discouraged with the political events of the day and need good reminders that we are on God's calendar!Thank you for loving what God loves, and helping us proclaim Yeshua to the Jewish people and the centrality of Israel to the Church. Your prayers and financial support enable us to keep going - into the heart of God!With Love and gratitude,Myles & Katharine