May 2023
May 2023
Iyar 5783
Shalom Haverim v’ Mishpochah (Peace and wholeness to our friends and family)
As Spring Renews, Israel Remembers
Yom HaShoah
Holocaust Remembrance Day was April 18. There are a total of 147,199 Holocaust survivors living in Israel, 60 percent of whom are women. 462 celebrated their hundredth birthdays last year, and 31,000 are over the age of ninety. Holocaust survivors in Israel include 521 new immigrants who fled the war in Ukraine. Israel spent 5.6 billion shekels (1.5 billion dollars) this past year to support programs to provide for Holocaust survivors. The state also arranged 16,000 home visits.
Your partnership with raised support for these efforts. Thank You!
Every year on Yom HaShoah, a siren blasts across the country for two minutes, and Israel comes to a standstill. Israel honors previous generations who suffered these atrocities by taking time to stop everything—whether work, school, or even driving on the highway—and remember.
Please take some time to remember and pray for these dear people who suffered greatly. Pray for their health, well-being, and for their hearts to be open to the gracious love of the Father.
Yom Ha Zikaron
Israel’s Memorial Day was last week. Israelis mourned those who died while serving in the Israeli military or as a result of terrorism. Since Israel’s last Memorial Day, fifty-nine soldiers died during their service to the country. On Monday evening, April 24, sirens cued the country to stop and take a moment of silence. A second siren sounded on Tuesday morning before memorial services at the country’s fifty-two military cemeteries. Many visit these cemeteries to pay their respects for fallen family members and friends.
Please pray for those who are mourning their loved ones who gave up their lives in protection of and service to Israel or who were murdered by terrorists.
Yom Ha’Atzmaut
Israel is turning seventy-five this year! God fulfilled Isaiah 66:8, when the prophet asked, can a nation be born in a day? May 14th 1948. God’s answer… YES!
The re-born modern State of Israel has survived much and grown over the years. Israel is a tech leader in medical and research advancements, military and defense weapons, as well as in academics, sports, and arts. Israelis will celebrate with BBQ, fireworks, family, and friends, and all will see Israeli flags everywhere as people love and care for the nation.
Praise God for Israel’s rebirth in the earth!
Isaiah told us the day would come when people will “call good, evil, and evil, good” (Isaiah 5:20) We are witnessing the chaos from below so we say, “Look UP!” God is on His throne, He warned us about these days, and He trusts us to seek Him for our part in this unfolding story.
Let’s seek Him, His Kingdom, and His future.
Listen to our latest podcast with Dr. Mitch Glaser, President of Chosen People Ministries here.
We love you and count it a privilege to partner with you in the harvest field.
Blessings on your house,
Myles & Katharine