October 2022
October 2022/Tishri 5783
Shalom, haverim v’ mishpochah (Greetings, friends and family)
Iran! History repeats itself.
The battle continues for the soul of Iran. Courageous citizens are taking to the streets AGAIN, protesting the oppressive Islamo-fascist leadership. Back in 2009, President Obama abandoned the people of Iran and it cost many lives and plunged the country back into another season of darkness. At the time I wrote a song for the brave young women of Iran who suffered for daring to desire freedom. Click on the image to hear the song. The ‘low-tech’ graphics were provided by a precious high-school girl who was moved by the story.
The martyr of that time was “Neda”, a young music student, murdered in front of her Father. The latest martyr is “Mahsa Amini”, tortured and killed for “headscarf” violations.
Iran (Persia) has a unique place in biblical history, including the Esther story of Jewish preservation and the Nehemiah story of helping rebuild the Temple. We see Iran in Jeremiah 49, where the Lord prophesies an end-time revival! The Iranians believe they are the fastest growing church in the world! We are standing with them!
This month we are sending a very generous Sukkot offering to the Gospel in Iran. You will be blessed as you PARTNER WITH US to support the believers in Iran.
Celebrate with us! We have been serving for 10 YEARS at tfh.org/beitabba as the “Pastors of Jewish Ministry”. It has been a thrill to see a local Church’s commitment to fulfill Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
We have seen salvations, healings, medical missions, family relationships strengthened, and MANY attendees receive the wealth of wisdom that comes from letting the whole counsel of the Word speak for itself.
And Jesus said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings out of his treasure new things and old.” (Matthew 13:52)
Katharine and I are grateful to Pastor Dave and the lead team at the Father’s House. TFH supports seven living Gospel ministries in Israel on a monthly basis and invests in special projects as well. Our attention to the Hebraic roots of the faith led to the establishing of a Jewish Studies Program which is touching many and we believe will be reproduced around the world.
Passover at Beit Abba – always elegant and enlightening
Beresheit! (In the Beginning”) Genesis 1:1- 6:8
The Torah starts again! Get on board and follow the weekly Hebrew scripture readings for 5783, the New Yearly cycle. You will be amazed at how God will speak to you about current events, your personal life and the return of the King as you delve into His calendar readings.
Finally, Katharine and I are in a season of extreme gratitude and want to thank you for standing with House of Peace / Beth Shalom. Together we are making changes for the Kingdom and seeing lives touched around the world. As we look toward Chanukah may His Light overtake you and touch the ones you love. Your prayers and support touch us and we see His goodness through you.
With Gratitude,
Myles & Katharine