Jews And Arabs Can Love Each Other

 Katharine WeissThe picture above tells a miraculous story. A Jew, an Egyptian, a Persian and an Arab in harmony and fellowship with each other. We are committed to God's peace plan - bringing all to a knowledge of the Messiah! It IS possible in these turbulent times.With so many eyes watching our lives through social media, privacy is a thing of the past. Everyone seems to be looking in to see how we live and what we are doing. The advent of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram introduced a whole new level on which to share the moments of our lives. While this may be all well and fine, I cannot help but think about the other witnesses looking at our lives and seeing how we are living. Are we running “with the chariots” (2 Kings 6:17) and making our mark in His Kingdom?
I love the Book of Hebrews because it reminds us Whom we should be watching, where our attention should be focused.Hebrews 12:1–2 “... let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

God's Love Conquers All

When we look to Jesus, He gives us the strength, power, and insight to live an overcomer’s life. The Book of Hebrews was a letter to early Jewish Believers in Yeshua. Its message reminds us who are “grafted in” what our focus is to be and how we are to live our faith. Some of the same struggles that were present for the early Church are here for Believers today.For the early Messianics [Jewish followers of Jesus] challenges came from the Jewish and the Gentile worlds.

Persecution and misunderstanding came from both sides. Many Jewish people alleged, “Hebrew Believers have abandoned their heritage,” and some Christians today claim, “Your Jewish heritage does not matter anymore. You’re a Christian now!”

Messiah Makes Us Kosher

I love it when Myles recalls, “I did not repent of being Jewish but for being a sinner. It’s not a sin to be a Jew!”Myles and I sometimes call ourselves “First-Century Believers.” We remain fully aware of all the blessings of being Jewish, and we let the grace and faith of Jesus bring it out. Our walk is not about doing away with being Jewish; it is about finding our identity in our Jewish Messiah. This is why ministries like ours and our peers’ are so very important: to be the voice that proclaims, “You can be Jewish and believe in Yeshua.”

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher...”He was born in Israel to a Jewish mother and father. He kept the Feasts. He was our Passover Lamb. He walked on Solomon’s porch, reminding the Ages that He is the light of the world and the Menorah for all. God is extending His hand in love to all. We are especially blessed when Jews and Arabs worship the God of Israel together! Enjoy this interview with our spiritual mentors, the Davises. David recently left Mout Carmel in Israel to join the cloud of witnesses above!* *This video is the property of and copyright by Zola Levitt Ministries. We are no longer associated with ZLM. Contact us for more information 

The UN Flails Again


Peace or Jihad?