International Holocaust Remembrance Day
On January 27, 2018, we will remember the horrors of the Nazi holocaust. We often say, "Never Again!"Join us for this season by posting your picture on social media with a card stating:
#We Remember
The Jewish people [and Israel!] are a blessing in the earth. Comprising .02% of the global population, Jews have been awarded 22% of the Nobel prizes for science, technology, medicine, mathematics, arts, music, and literature. Imagine how this world would have advanced if the 6 million had not been systematically murdered.Instead of merely 14 million Jewish people today, there would be 40 million Jews alive. What would their contribution be? How many life-saving and life-enhancing breakthroughs died in Europe in the mid-20th century?As people of faith, please stand up like Oskar Schindler, Corrie Ten Boom, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer - be a ger tzedek - a righteous Gentile... in so doing, you will bless the heart of God.