Christ, the First Fruits
Now and again, a truth that defies categorization comes home to one’s spirit—a higher reality so overwhelming that it is difficult to discuss. Can you remember a moment when you were overtaken by love? A scene that colors your world anew? Have you had an experience that dwarfs “normal” living and causes you to ponder the mystery of life … as if you were a child, exposed to majesty beyond your capacity to understand? Those feelings describe “First Fruits”—Resurrection: the miraculous quickening of Yeshua’s body, raising Him beyond the grave to everlasting life! The reality that we can join Him in this eternal state is so awesome that superlative descriptions fall short.In His mathematically elegant design, our Creator revealed the timing of these events through the Hebrew calendar and draws us to meet with Him at the Moedim (appointed times). The order of the agricultural feasts (Lev. 23) illuminates God’s spiritual purposes through the use of natural pictures. The Scriptures remind us to look to the “natural” life in order to understand spiritual principles (1 Cor. 15:46). So it is with the “Holy Days of the Lord.” These meetings with God provide direct encounters with the Master and also point to cosmic connections of the most profound order.
First Fruits
Yeshua’s resurrection “happened” to happen exactly on the Feast of First Fruits… on the Sunday during Passover. As in the agricultural feast, “first fruits” implies a future harvest. Christ is the First Fruits; afterward, those who are Christ’s (us!) at His coming (1 Cor. 15:23). Jesus was
- crucified on the Feast of Passover
- buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread
- resurrected on the Feast of First Fruits
All in divine order. All in keeping with God’s mandates from the Torah. All manifesting the truth that Yeshua came to “fulfill the law” (Matt. 5:17). He kept every “jot and tittle” (Matt. 5:18). Can we Believers ever fully appreciate the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering? Are there any adequate ways to say, “toda, gracias, merci, spasiba, efharisto, asante—thank you, thank you, thank you”?Yeshua’s sinless life qualified Him to rise to Heaven…death could not hold Him. By faith in His righteous work of sacrifice, we can join Him! This is what I want to say to the One Who is the First Fruits of the cosmic harvest:Oh, God—Words fail. A lifetime of service isn’t enough. Your kindness, Your mercy,Your everlasting love is unbearably rich. This Easter, this ResurrectionSunday, this Feast of First Fruits, help us to see beyond the cultural normsof holidays and truly acknowledge Your finished work.Mashiach Ben Joseph /Mashiach Ben David, Messiah born of Joseph/Messiahborn of David—You alone are worthy of praise, prayer, and proclamation!We are to comfort those who need to know You with the Good News. Youare alive! You are welcoming us into fellowship for all eternity with You!As trees bud and the flowers bloom, as life springs afresh from the ground,help us to recognize the Resurrection Life paid for by Your blood and brokenbody. You are the First Fruits, and there is none like You. —AmenImage courtesy Israel United in Christ