Pre-Thanksgiving, giving thanks!

Myles WeissDickens spoke of the best and worst of times in his classic “A Tale of Two Cities.”  A timeless phrase, it applies just as well now as it did in his 19th century Britain and France. It is a literary homage to Isaiah’s millennia-old aphorism, “Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you”(Isaiah 60:1). Centuries later, Yeshua would refer more than once to the light of God rising in Him, His followers, and increasing as darkness grew in this world. So it goes today. His light is arising in believers around the world and in His home area of Israel and Jerusalem.


We are so grateful for the Lord's goodness to our family and to those with whom we minister. Our House of Peace community has been stepping up to help us carry the message of a "one new humanity" worldwide. We are preparing for a significant journey and many of you have given financially and are praying for us. THANK YOU!Here in the West, we have grown comfortable in our faith. Events like the mass murder in Texas remind us that we live in a spiritual war. Our brothers and sisters around the world know this all too well. Many nations are making it increasingly dangerousThis gathering was a living expression of the unity called for in Psalm 133 and John 17. As war and rumors of war increase, God is raising up His remnant around the world.Light is shining in the darkness.Shalom Image courtesy Walking With Jesus


Future Congress 2 — January 4 – 6, 2013 in Dallas


Myles’s Blog from Jerusalem