Ministry Update
July 2021/Tammuz 5781
Shalom Haverim v’ Mishpocha, (Greetings, Family and Friends)
We are back from a mind-blowing and spiritually uplifting trip to the Middle East. We ministered to the Chinese underground church leaders and Iranian next- gen musicians, athletes, students, young hi-tech folks, and pastors.
Hard to express our gratitude… these are heroes of the faith who risk it all for our Lord and Messiah, Yeshua. Very humbling to be their “Rabbi” for a moment. They were in awe, having never met a ‘Jew for Jesus’. These folks are serving in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, China, N. Korea and Iran, and other closed nations.
They LOVED Katharine and her precious ‘mothering’ Spirit. They kept me engaged for hours in between sessions, full of questions for the Rabbi. We ate one meal per day and we spent many hours in worship and intercession. God is gracious and so He paired us with Pastor Billy Humphrey from IHOP and Gate City Church in Atlanta. Billy is a Bible scholar and leader in the 24/7 prayer and worship movement. I learned a lot from his teaching and we had rich times in the Spirit. We had quiet sessions where we counseled and heard from them about their relational and family trials. It was a great blessing.
THANK you for sending us! It was a real return to our missions’ roots, as we spent so many years praying for and going to the nations before our call to Israel. Our God is the God of both/and, so His love for Israel is a picture of His love for the nations!
Thanks to your intercession, I had virtually NO knee pain the whole time we were overseas.
We are VERY grateful for your prayers and financial partnership.
Our eyes are on Israel and our hearts are with them. We are watching the change in the Israeli government, hoping for the best, but praying always. With the new U.S. administration, there is a troubling re-emergence of U.S./European – led leftist pressure on the USA to go back to the Obama worldview regarding Iran and the Palestinians. This requires our prayers, as it challenges the nascent “Abraham Accords” with the surrounding Arab nations and emboldens Iran and its proxies.
Over the years we have developed some key insights to help you pray for Israel. You can find them here.
Isaiah 62: For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace,
And for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest,
Until her righteousness goes forth as brightness,
And her salvation as a lamp that burns.
This month, in honor of Independence Day, we will be sending a special offering to Well Versed World. Dr. James Garlow and Rosemary Schindler-Garlow along with their team, are doing a remarkable job of applying Biblical principles to all aspects of culture and especially to government. Well Versed World also fans the flames of the heartbeat at the center of the vital relationship between the USA and Israel. Their online prayer meetings are a point of edification for the entire Body. Join us in supporting their work.
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With love and gratitude,
Myles & Katharine