Ever Increasing Light
We are living in momentous days of ever-increasing light!
President Trump’s acknowledgment of Jerusalem as Israel’s ancient capital represents a landmark shift in paradigm and policy for the Middle East and the world.A fitting move during the 50th year Jubilee celebration! Jubilee provides a time of restitution, prosperity, and release. This is true for not only Israel but for our ministry.In recent times we have seen these major Jubilee events:
- 1867 – Sir Charles Warren unearths the City of David, corroborating Israel’s Jewish history
- 1917 – General Edmund Allenby liberates Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks
- 1967 – Jerusalem comes back into Israeli hands after the 19-year Jordanian rule
- 2017 – President Donald Trump confirms the reality of Israel’s capital
We believe it is a time of further growth, as it is the 70th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth.
A "Happy Hanukkah" from Heaven
What a Hanukkah present to the Jewish people and the faith community! We have been celebrating Yeshua and Hanukkah, and the Christmas season is upon us. It is fascinating that the only Biblical account of Hanukkah features Yeshua Himself – the Light of the world — in the Temple for the Feast of Dedication.“Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter and Yeshua was in the Temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. The Jewish people who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” John 10:22-24 Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, and King honored these Hanukkah days. He spoke the truth clearly to His own people during this festival, also called by the historian Josephus the “Festival of Lights.” We rejoice in Him. He is the Light of the world and in Him, there is no darkness! As we traveled this year, we saw evidence of ever-increasing light in the midst of darkness.
Because of your prayers and financial partnership, this year we were able to:
- Commence the re-launch of our media ministry with online content and broadcast on GLC (God’s Learning Channel).
- Finish our book, When Heaven Hits Home, which is being prepared for publication.
- Serve at Beth Shalom/House of Peace and Beit Abba – proclaiming the Gospel to our Jewish people and revealing God’s Hebraic heart to the church.
- Minister in Texas, Nevada, Washington DC, South Carolina, Northern California, China and of course, Israel!
- Partner with Daystar TV to provide significant financial relief to the victims of the NorCal fires.
- Through Beth Shalom/House of Peace and Beit Abba at TFH, provide significant financial support for key life-giving ministries in Israel. These ministries reach African refugees in Israel, Jewish and Arab drug addicts and alcoholics, single Moms, IDF soldiers, holocaust survivors, and the next generation - all with the news of Yeshua!
- Serve on the Board of Directors for FIRM (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries) – connecting the international church with the Body in Israel.
- Train Bible College students in counseling in Sonoma, CA.
- Stand with the Chinese Church and their Back-to-Jerusalem movement.
We have been asked to return to China and elsewhere this coming year and help teach and train the leaders who are currently serving on the mission field in closed and persecuted nations. These heroes of the faith are bringing the light of the gospel to Communists, Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims. It is a deep honor to partner with them.But we can do so only with your assistance...Your tax-deductible donations to House of Peace/Beth Shalom can be made online on our website, www.mylesandkatharineweiss.org or you can mail a check to :House of Peace/Beth ShalomP.O. Box 874Novato, CA 94948Thank you for participating in this vision.Please consider a year-end gift [and monthly partnership] to help us further the good news of the gospel "to the Jew first" and to all the nations. Our hearts are full as we move forward into the “New Year” 2018.May this season be full of ever-increasing light and love and may your destiny unfold as you walk with the King.With Love,Myles and Katharine Weiss